Bondage Humiliation Session

Yesterday I was again granted the tremendous privilege of being permitted to visit the fabulous Mistress Tara for another wonderful session. She crafts Her sessions perfectly – no two are ever the same, yet each is highly exhilarating for the lucky little sluts whom She expertly tortures or humiliates in so many delicious ways.

After our initial chat, Mistress sent me to the shower to freshen up, but she warned me not to keep Her waiting too long. Unfortunately, a call of nature kept me sitting on the toilet for a while meaning time was ticking away. I had just stepped into the shower, when Mistress came into the bathroom to find out what was holding me up. When I told Her, She ordered me to show Her how I was progressing in cleaning, which involved me bending over spreading my arse cheeks and showing Her how I cleaned myself by getting a finger in and out of my arse. I had to do this for some time until Mistress was satisfied that I had cleaned myself satisfactorily.

Unfortunately, as I showed signs of finishing up then, Mistress became quite upset that as a grown man I seemingly was incapable of performing the simple task of washing myself. She then proceeded to supervise my bathing very closely. She had to instruct me to wash each part of my body and observe closely as I followed instructions. She had me pay particular attention to my balls and armpits. She then had to ensure that I washed off all the soap before supervising me drying myself completely dry.

As a final test, Mistress again had me bend over and spread my arse cheeks wide open while She closely examined my arsehole to ensure it really was clean. She was rightly critical of the job I had done shaving that morning, complaining my arse was still hairy. She threatened to photograph it and post the pic on FetLife, but then thought that She could not in all conscience subject FetLife viewers to such a disgusting sight.

Mistress then commanded that I crawl after Her into the Dungeon where I was required to kiss Her boots as penance for my poor washing skills and being late in confirming my appointment that morning. I know I will have to improve because Mistress quite rightly does not tolerate lazy slack little sluts.

Mistress then placed me on Her bench, lifted me up and after kindly having lubed my arsehole and having directed me to stop clenching and loosen up my arse, She jammed a nice sized butt plug up my arsehole and ordered me not to let it slip out. Then, in a first for me, with the assistance of slavegirl M, Mistress proceeded to bind me to the bench with cling wrap. She ever bound my head. Then with a pair of scissors, She ensured that the only exposed flesh (apart from my feet) were my balls.

Mistress had got some new small little clamps which sting terribly and She then proceeded to decorate my balls with them to create a nice Christmas display. Slavegirl M was most helpful in that after each clamp was attached, she told Mistress she was checking they were on properly by squeezing them quite firmly thereby increasing the pain. Mistress ensured I could feel that pain by constantly flicking and wobbling the clamps to ensure I knew I still had them on. After what seemed like ages of this torment, Mistress got out her crop and began to flick off the clamps. Unfortunately, after a deal of trying, She gave up indicating that as the clamps were new, they were just staying on too tight. So to remove them, She ever so slowly grabbed the top and without pressing them together so as to release them, She merely pulled on them progressively harder which stretched the skin until the clamp painfully was pulled off my balls. Certainly something to focus the mind!

The next delight I suffered was to have my balls placed in a crusher which Mistress wound tight and then had a lengthy session of Mistress electric shocking my balls and then cock with Her electric shock dog collar and then Her own designed electric zapper wand. Mistress knows my cock is more sensitive than my balls so Her and m’s laughs were much heartier as my screams became much louder each time Mistress zapped my cock.

After that torment was over, Mistress decided that some rewards were on offer. Mistress then tied on Her new Scott Paul Designs Humiliator Gag around my mouth and head and then affixed the 8″ black dildo attachment. Mistress laughed out loud as She said, “punycunt, you look like a real dickhead now.” (As an aside both Mistress and I can highly recommend this Scott Paul Designs product – the quality is outstanding, it is great to wear and the customer service is excellent.)

The reward was that slavegirl M, after stripping off, got up on the bench and sat on the edge with her legs spread wide while I was commanded to kneel in front of her. With the delightful sight of m’s delectable completely silky smooth tight little cunt just centimetres in front of me, Mistress commanded me to fuck m. I didn’t need to be told twice. This clearly was a reward for me and also for slavegirl M who had been on pleasure restrictions for the last month. Mistress allowed me to kneel in front of slavegirl M and move my head backwards and forwards fucking her sweet little cunt for ages before relenting and permitting slavegirl M to cum which she did very enthusiastically for some minutes. A win-win situation for slavegirl M and me.

The final piece in the puzzle was when Mistress again commanded me to bend over and spread my arse cheeks as She proceeded to extract the butt plug from my highly satisfied arsehole. I must say after reticence for some time, I am now a convert to anal play and I greedily said to Mistress that I can’t wait for Her to arrange to spit-roast me.

Another fabulous session with the best possible Mistress of all, the incomparable Mistress Tara.


Categories: Belittle, Golden Shower, Humiliation, Mistress Tara, Punishment, and Slavegirl M.

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