Punycunt goes to the The Kink Olympics

A little while ago, puny went to The Kink Olympics run on a private property just outside Ipswich in Queensland.

He did win a medal, amazingly enough. That was in the Sub Hunt. In that event, completely nude subs are sent off to hide in the bush and a few minutes later, the Doms/Dommes come after the subs. The last sub to be caught wins. So puny was the last nude sub dragged in.

Puny took part in some other events, such as the Chariot Race (where nude subs pull Dommes in carts around a track). He won his heat but, being the old slut that he is, his time was not anywhere near fast enough to win. He bombed out in the Dildo toss and Breast Throw and the less said the better about his efforts in the “Bobbing for Cock” event (getting dildoes out of a tub filled with lube using your mouth only) – strange really when we know what a slut he really is!

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for his true cocksucking faggot self to appear. He just couldn’t resist when a big fat horsecock was on display. He raced out in front of the crowd and put on a very slutty display of cocksucking, much to the amusement of the crowd. When he managed to wrap his slutty cockhound lips around the big fat knob of the horsecock, one of the Dommes yelled out to shrieks of laughter, “Well he may be a puny cunt, but he’s sure got a big fucking gob on him!” It didn’t take him long then to bend over and try and take the big cock up his whore arsehole.

That was the highlight. He didn’t do so well after that. He took part in the lube wrestling where to win he had to lick the clit of the young Lady he was wrestling. He got close, getting a tongue briefly on the young Lady’s arsehole, but no need to tell you that the young Lady easily won – wrapping her lips around puny’s cock before he could lick her clit.

Another example of puny showing the world what a huge slut cunt whore he is.

Categories: BDSM, Belittle, Fetish, Humiliation, KInk Olympics, Kinky Events, Miss M, and Mistress Tara.

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