Punycunt is a pissdrinker

We all know punycunt is a complete slut cunt whore who will do absolutely anything to amuse and entertain Ladies no matter how humiliating or embarrassing it is for him. One of the tasks that the old cunt will perform is to act as a toilet for Ladies. This can be useful if the line to the Ladies toilet is a little too long or there is no toilet nearby. All that the Lady need say is, “puny, you fucking cunt – assume position 6, now!” We will go through positions for puny to assume at a future stage but
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Categories: BDSM, Golden Shower, and Piss play.

Puny demonstrates the finer points of ball kicking

Some time ago, that greedy little slut cunt whore puny was used to demonstrate to some interested young Ladies the finer points of ballkicking. An eager group of young Ladies gathered around while an young 20 year old girl gave a masterclass in ballbusting. Despite her young age, she is very experienced and has on a number of occasions previously given puny a very sore set of balls. She just loves kicking puny really really hard. So when puny presented his balls, the young Lady took great delight in making puny suffer again, this time in front of some happy
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Categories: BDSM, Cum in mouth, Fetish, Golden Shower, Humiliation, Miss M, Mistress Tara, Piss play, Punishment, and Slavegirl M.

Punycunt goes to the The Kink Olympics

A little while ago, puny went to The Kink Olympics run on a private property just outside Ipswich in Queensland. He did win a medal, amazingly enough. That was in the Sub Hunt. In that event, completely nude subs are sent off to hide in the bush and a few minutes later, the Doms/Dommes come after the subs. The last sub to be caught wins. So puny was the last nude sub dragged in. Puny took part in some other events, such as the Chariot Race (where nude subs pull Dommes in carts around a track). He won his heat
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Categories: BDSM, Belittle, Fetish, Humiliation, KInk Olympics, Kinky Events, Miss M, and Mistress Tara.

Puny makes an arse of himself at the Sydney Mardi Gras

This year puny took part in the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade. Before taking part in the parade, he had visited the fantastic Mistress Tara to assist Her in a training session for a trainee Mistress. Puny was able to allow Mistress Tara to demonstrate various tie and tease, CBT and anal techniques to the eager young Lady undergoing training. The young trainee certainly took to anal very well and she gave puny quite an arsefucking with one of Mistress Tara’s medium sized strapons. Having taken leave of Mistress Tara, puny headed back to his hotel to get
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Categories: Belittle, Humiliation, Miss M, Mistress Tara, and Sydney Mardi gras.

More humiliation at the hands of Mistress Tara

Dearest Mistress Tara, Again another fabulous session with You. You have the knack of creating the right circumstances for total enjoyment. While, as I said at the time, CBT and impact play are my first love, being humiliated as a total little slut in front of You and slavegirl M was just great. Of course, wanting to be humiliated, looking forward to it and then suffering the reality of it are totally different. You created a magnificent scene. I really felt like a totally humiliated little slut. Your sniffing me and then ordering me back to the bathroom and You
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Categories: Belittle, Cum in mouth, Golden Shower, Humiliation, and Piss play.

Bondage Humiliation Session

Yesterday I was again granted the tremendous privilege of being permitted to visit the fabulous Mistress Tara for another wonderful session. She crafts Her sessions perfectly – no two are ever the same, yet each is highly exhilarating for the lucky little sluts whom She expertly tortures or humiliates in so many delicious ways. After our initial chat, Mistress sent me to the shower to freshen up, but she warned me not to keep Her waiting too long. Unfortunately, a call of nature kept me sitting on the toilet for a while meaning time was ticking away. I had just stepped into
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Categories: Belittle, Golden Shower, Humiliation, Mistress Tara, Punishment, and Slavegirl M.