Archives for KInk Olympics

Punycunt goes to the The Kink Olympics

A little while ago, puny went to The Kink Olympics run on a private property just outside Ipswich in Queensland. He did win a medal, amazingly enough. That was in the Sub Hunt. In that event, completely nude subs are sent off to hide in the bush and a few minutes later, the Doms/Dommes come after the subs. The last sub to be caught wins. So puny was the last nude sub dragged in. Puny took part in some other events, such as the Chariot Race (where nude subs pull Dommes in carts around a track). He won his heat
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Categories: BDSM, Belittle, Fetish, Humiliation, KInk Olympics, Kinky Events, Miss M, and Mistress Tara.